It’s probably not a surprise that a place with so much natural beauty has an abundance of artists and creators in the community. Scituate is a great place to bring your paint box and a lawn chair to capture the breathtaking views of the ocean, marshes, river, and woods. Favorite spots for plein air projects are Museum Beach with view of the lighthouse and harbor, anywhere along the North River, and Minot Beach for capturing the waves of the Atlantic and Minot Ledge Light.
For creative visitors, there are many shops and galleries to visit after a day working on your project. Start in North Scituate and visit Staci’s Stitches and Skeins to stock up on yarn and knitting ideas. If you prefer to work in clay, give ANJL Ceramics a call to book a class. For kids and grownups, The Makery Sewing Center offers a fun hands-on place to create. Across the street is Minot Design Company which carries local artist work.
Next, head down to the Harbor, where the Scituate Arts Association showcases many local talent and other work can be seen at Expressions, a local artisan co-op. Many of the local restaurants feature artists work for sale too! You can also look into a class at the Little House of Arts, tucked in off Front Street or pop in and see what master carvers are creating at Kukstis Carving. At the end of Front Street is Native, a gift shop featuring art from around the world.
Nearby, in the Greenbush district in Scituate is the nationally recognized workshop of BirchBarn Designs and local photographer Kat Hanafin’s gorgeous work at The Nautical Collection.
If after a day of inspiration in Scituate you want a more permanent place to create, check out the Ellis House/Front Street Art Gallery a local artisan community space.