I didn’t start taking the arts seriously until the first high school production I was in, where I was cast as a lead role. This was the first time I realized I was good at something. I think I had been looking for my passion for years, without realizing I had been involved in it prior. Without the drama club, I would most likely have no idea what I wanted to do with my life. After being elected drama club president going into my senior year, I was faced with the challenge of leading the drama club in the middle of a pandemic. While challenging and sometimes seeming impossible, I helped my club put on shows and continue to do fundraisers, even in the face of a pandemic.
When I think of what Scituate means to me, I think of this town as a learning experience. Through my love of the arts and recognition that I am extremely privileged, I have been able to grow to become a more compassionate person, someone who stands up when they see inequality. I stand up because I know I have the privilege to stand up.
Whether that’s through small concerts at the harbor gazebo, hosting poetry slams, building a new theatre for the high school, or renting out an art exhibit for young artists, Scituate uses its privilege to showcase the arts.
An ideal day in Scituate starts with eating breakfast on my porch, then going to the beach with my friends. We’d probably stay there until past lunch and then drive around with all the windows down, listening to music. I also love going down to the gazebo when local musicians are performing to show my support!
Favorite Places in Scituate: