Visit Scituate in every season for the beauty of the natural coastline, the picturesque harbor, the special glow of a sunrise or sunset on the water…
Visit Scituate in every season for the beauty of the natural coastline, the picturesque harbor, the special glow of a sunrise or sunset on the water…
All are welcome and encouraged to attend the Fall Special Town Meeting. The warrant will be posted prior to the gathering and will likely include funding for additional Community Preservation projects, mid-year financial adjustments, and proposed bylaw revisions. While some may not find these topics interesting, know that without resident support (and in person votes!), town operations cannot proceed. With limited participation, the operations continue, but under the direction of the few vocal folks who show up.
Primer: the Town of Scituate operates under Open Town Meeting form of governance. That means that the elected Select Board (Executive Branch) sets policies and oversees day-to-day operations but does not have the authority to enact bylaws or spend funds without legislative approval. ALL registered voters make up the Legislative Branch and must approve recommendations (the warrant articles) at Town Meetings. For residents: all you need to do is make sure you’re registered in Scituate (see the Town Clerk for any questions) and show up at Town Meeting. The Moderator (elected) oversees the debate/voting and walks everyone through what to do. Simple. The Advisory Committee (appointed by the Moderator) puts out a handy book discussing all items up for vote on the warrant prior to each Town Meeting.