42º 13’06”N 70º 47’16”W

Visit Scituate in every season for the beauty of the natural coastline, the picturesque harbor, the special glow of a sunrise or sunset on the water…

Scituate Historical Society Open Houses

Join docents from the Scituate Historical Society for informative tours of Scituate's historical sites and museum. Entrance fee for each venue. See full details on the Scituate Historical Society FaceBook page and website.


Lawson Tour Full Moon Tour

Get your tickets to this month's full moon tour.  Hosted by the Scituate Historical Society, you will climb the tower for spectacular views of Scituate while learning the history of the tower.

Plymouth County First Lady Lecture

Join historian Michelle Couglin for an exploration of the life and times of Penelope Winslow, Plymouth County's First Lady. Sponsored by the Historical Society.


Cape Verdeans: A Legacy of Service Documentary

The Scituate Sister City Santa Catarina do Fogo Cape Verde Committee and the Cape Cod Cape Verdean Museum proudly present the documentary screening of "Cape Verdeans: A Legacy of Service."  This documentary pays tribute to Cape Verdean veterans, highlighting their service and sacrifices. It particularly recognizes the late officer Hopolito (Paul) Andrade from Scituate for...


Untold Stories at Untold Brewery

Join the Scituate Library Foundation as they acknowledge Banned Book week at Untold Brewery. For the occasion, the brewery is creating a special, limited edition beer called, appropriately, Untold Stories!  Check back for more details, but make sure to mark your calendar!

Town of Scituate Special Town Meeting

All are welcome and encouraged to attend the Fall Special Town Meeting. The warrant will be posted prior to the gathering and will likely include funding for additional Community Preservation projects, mid-year financial adjustments, and proposed bylaw revisions. While some may not find these topics interesting, know that without resident support (and in person votes!),...